Michael and I went to my 20 year high school reunion this weekend. We flew down at 4pm on Sat and came back on a 7am flight on Sunday. I don't really stay in touch with anyone from high school, but reunions seem to be the kind of thing you go to so you never feel like you missed anything or have any regrets. So we flew down, took a cab to the Travellodge LAX, changed and then went downstairs to wait for the cab we had requested. 20 minutes later, we were still waiting and I was pretty damn annoyed at this point. Then a limo pulled up. It was for us. The cab was stuck in traffic, but he would take us, for the same fare as a cab. We were slightly embarassed but hopped in nonetheless.
A few moments later we were in Marina Del Rey walking in to the reunion. I recoginzed many people there, but they didn't have name tags like they did at the 10 year so I didn't know many names. A few people came up to me but we basically hung out with Area (Michael's high school girlfriend) and Chris Worth, a gal from high school theatre. I saw Lexi Webber, Jenny Russo, Peter Smith, Richard Chung, Todd Francis, Zak Cook, Amy Goodfriend, Lisa Valensvalia, Lynda Halligan, Doug Tomlinson, and others. It wasn't awful, but I'm not sure it was totally fun either. We stuck around for the door raffle which was good since we ended up winning $75! Then we had some cake, walked around a bit and then headed out. Even though it was only 10, it was late for us and were tired. As we were leaving, we bumped into Jenny Croslow (Class of 86), say hi, and hopped back in a cab.
After a quick bite at Denny's, we went back to our room where I quickly fell asleep.