I met my very pregnant friend Amity today. She is due on Sunday. They were worried about pre term labor stuff, but now it looks like her little girl Emily isn't coming anytime soon. I couldn't move two weeks before I was due with the girls, but Amity was running around, carrying babies like she wasn't pregnant at all. Crazy girl.
We first went to a park. Elizabeth found a little hill which she went up and down for about 20 minutes, laughing the whole time. Miranda enjoyed climbing up the slide. And Parker, of course, played with some numbers.

They had one of the suspended bridges which are like little death traps for little kids. Miranda headed for it and although I got to her pretty quick, I wasn't quick enough because she totally fell off it. Scraped her face pretty bad. Tears. Blood. More tears. Then she was fine. Thank god.

After a bit more playing, we went off to the Zoo. When we walked up Mac, Amity's son said he wanted to see the animals. I, of course, thought he was talking about the Merry Go Round Animals. But no...he was talking about actual animals. Apparently Amity takes Mac to the Zoo to see animals. I should try that.
But today Mac enjoyed Parker's favorite Zoo activity. The rides. First the cars, then some gross turny thing, then the roller coaster. The roller coaster requires parentl supervision, so I got to go twice...once with Parker and once with Mac since, even if they had let pregnant women on it, they would have never had been able to close the seatbelt on poor Amity.

Then Miranda got cranky, so we went home.