Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sometimes you just gotta go.

This evening, after everyone was bed, Elizabeth did some hollering. Then a bit later, Parker did some. Michael went up to see what he needed and came back to get a diaper, as Parker had requested a fresh one. Michael got him a new one and then we went back to watching Lost. Then about 15 minutes later, he called out again. This time I went up. He said, I need to go pee. So we came downstairs where we went pee standing up for a long time. Then he asked to wear underwear so while I was changing him, Michael put the pad under his sheet, just in case. Then I told Parker that if he ever needed to go pee or poop at night again, he could always wake me or Daddy up. Parker was very pleased with himself, as was I. I forgoed the last minutes of Lost and let him fall asleep in my arms in his bed.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dress Up

In my mom and my attempts to soothe the kids (the girls are sick and my mom is here taking care of me since my back gave out again) today we (and when I say we, I mean my mom) pulled out all the stops. Walks in the rain, songs, food, tv, sitting on the swing, and yes, even dress up. No one was too interested, but we did make a 'tent' out of them on the hammock. And after a while, Parker wanted to put one on.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The preschool search

I've been doing a lot of research into preschools for Parker. I've gone to information nights, tours, and open houses. I've filled out applications, sent in deposits and gotten on waiting lists. I want Parker to go to a cooperative preschool and there are only 5 in my area. So I had a couple back-up non co-op preschools on the list too. This morning, I got a call that he got into one of the co-ops. It's one in Piedmont. Pretty close to my house, but also pretty small facility. It's only two days a week which is good in that I would only have to "work" a day every 5-6 weeks, but bad because I had wanted 3 or 4 days a week to give Parker some more play time without the babies and give me some time to do stuff with just the girls.

Anyway, it's a relief to know that he won't be stuck at home with me another year, but I'm still keeping my hopes up that he gets into a couple others.

#1 and #2

In an effort to entice Parker into telling us when he needs to go pee and poo, we told him that pee is sometimes called #1 and poo is called #2. It took him about 2 seconds to grasp that concept and immediately started calling them by numbers. Then he said, "#0 is a fart." Which I thought was pretty perceptive and so now we call a fart 0.

He still isn't telling us when he needs to go, though.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

More Shoes

Up, up, up goes the trash.

The kids had to see Mr. Gilly this morning.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Morning with the Howe Gals

We spent the morning with Liz and her ladies. First at the play area and then at the play place and then back at our house. Liz is selling her house and several realtors were coming over today so she had to be out of it. Parker loves Samanatha and they had a grand time playing together. Sam even helped Parker in the bathroom.**

Elizabeth found Liz's shoes while we were playing. It was ridiculous.

**So Liz tells me a funny story today that I will relay the best I can. She said she was telling her husband about Parker and his mathematical ways. Her husband said, Yeah, well our kid can pee and poo in the potty. (Which is true. Sam was potty trained months ago and she turns 3 next month.) So...Liz, keeping her husband current on her friends' childrens' activities, recently tells him that Parker is now potty training. And then she says, And our kid still can't add!

Good Night Moon...the game.

Amity gave Parker a good night moon board game for his birthday. I got it out the other day and Parker really liked it. It's a matching and memory game that can be used differently as your child ages. I was really glad he liked it since it has no numbers or letters in it. Today, he asked to play it downstairs. Yay!

Speaking of Breakfast...

It seems almost civil doesn't it?

Ted is Back.

Not only is Ted back in Parker's good graces, but Lion is getting a bit of the cold shoulder. Today they were equals each getting some cereal with Parker in the morning. Ted even got Apple Jacks.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday Co-op

Monika and her kids Sammie and Charlie joined our Monday Co-op allowing two moms to have non baby time each week. This week, Susan and I held down the fort with 8 babies and Parker. It went very well, but little Sammie missed her mommy and neither Susan nor I were good substitutes even though she wanted to sit on our laps. Parker was a trooper as always at these events. He sits and plays with his numbers. Today he even asked to go pee.

Sebastian and Fletcher

Elizabeth and Charlie

Allison, the ham.

Fiona, the stander.

Charlie was kinda snotty. Who wasn't really?

Susan trying to appease Sammie.

Allison lounging.

Parker playing.

Fiona joins Allison.

The girls regress.

Bird's eye view.

Susan's story time. Even Parker was interested.

Fiona, apparently, loves books.

The girls playing together. Nicely for once.

All the kids get into the book.

Bret Harte

We took the kids to the local middle school the other in yet another attempt to see Parker riding his bike. Rather than using a stroller, we piled the girls in the wagon. Which is fine unless they try to stand up. Which they did. Parker was, not surprisingly, more interested in the numbers on the ground then the bike. Elizabeth found some stairs with a giant drop off. When Miranda found the second set, we knew it was time to go home.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Rachel likes to feed the feral cat that lives in our back yard. This cat used to live in Ed's yard, but with Noe no longer guarding her territory, this particular feral has laid claim to the space under our deck, and shows up regularly for some free grub.

Personally, I think a feral cat should be able to fend for itself, and certainly should never get to the point of staring sadly through our back door when the gravy train hasn't stopped recently. But Rachel is basically powerless when faced with an animal in need, so this particular feral cat has had it prety good.

I thought maybe when the local possum population started dropping in for a snack on our back deck, that this might change Rachel's mind about her stray animal outreach program, but no. Aside from being pretty funny looking, a possum is no harm to anyone.

I thought that when the racoons started coming by for their vittles, Rachel would reconsider. But no.

However, tonight as Rachel was going back to the cabana, we came face to face with a well-fed skunk who was as surprised as we were by this encounter on our back deck. Rachel jumped about three feet in the air, and mercifully the skunk held its fire. But I have to think this particular guest will tip the scales, even for that soft-hearted wife of mine.

Attention all Rhoda Avenue critters: the kitchen is closed.

Bart to City Center

Yesterday afternoon, we took a Bart ride to City Center (down town Oakland). For no reason. Just to do something. The girls weren't very excited about the Bart ride, but they loved running around at City Center.

A conversation with Parker

Parker: I'm doing 3+3+3 (equation that he had memorized from math video)
Rachel: What is 3+3+4? (A question he has yet to be asked.)
Parker: I'm doing 3+3+3=9!! (standard response when he doesn't know the answer)
Rachel: Ok, but after 3+3+3, what is 3+3+4?
Parker: (Short Pause)...uhhh, 10?
Rachel: yes! What is 3+3+2? (Also, completely new one to him)
Parker: (Without any pause but with giant smile) 8!
Rachel: (silently) God Damn.

My vision becomes reality.

Elizabeth loves to read. Almost more than Parker, if that is possible. We often find her sitting with books on her own, like this time.

Everyone Likes Lollipops

Parker got a lollipop recently for something. It's lasted days. And considering it wasn't very big to begin with, that's impressive. He gave me a lick the other day and the girls saw it. They too wanted licks. So Parker generously gave everyone licks. The expression, which I couldn't capture, on Elizabeth's face after her lick was priceless.
