Friday, February 29, 2008

Swim Class

I took Parker to a swim class today at a nearby gym. It was 30 minutes of kicking and doing other games in the pool. I was with him since I wasn't sure how he would do it the class without me. The teacher said he did better than most since there wasn't massive amounts of crying.

I was most pleased that not only did he not pee in the pool (I think), but he asked (twice) to go pee during class.

Monkey See, Monkey Do

We've taught Parker to take his bowls, plate, cup, whatever, to the sink after his meal. He does it now without being asked on most days. (We're going to teach him how to load and unload the dishwasher soon and then we'll be sitting pretty.)

Today, after breakfast, Miranda got down and then grabbed her bowl and started walking toward the sink. Unfortunately, it was still half full of cereal and milk which went everywhere. So I cleaned it up and gave the bowl back to Miranda who carried it to and put it in the sink.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Balloons and diet coke.

It's no reggae baby, but it has it's moments... I especially like it when Elizabeth keeps getting Miranda's balloon for her.

Big Fat Hen

I got back from Ebba's house today around 12:15. (She had to run some errands with her dad, so I held down the fort with the 6 kids. Which went very well, I must say!). I was putting the girls down for naps and I told Parker 5 more minutes till a nap for him. When I was done with the girls, I went upstairs to deal with Parker. He was not only already in bed, but he had read the first book to himself. Sure, it was only Big Fat Hen*, a book he memorized about a year ago. But it was impressive none the less. Especially considering Ted and Lion were sleeping in their new house (the red barn) and he only had Bob to keep him company.

*1, 2 Buckle My Shoe
3, 4 Shut the Door
5, 6 Pick up Sticks
7, 8 Lay them straight
9, 10 a Big Fat Hen
And all her friends, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and all their eggs and all their chicks!

Once, twice, three times a Parker.

As anyone who has met Parker knows, he tends to repeat things. I'm not entirely sure why. At first, I thought he was waiting for a response. You know like, "Mommy, Lion is going on the bridge!" If I didn't say anything, he would say it again. But, if I said something like, "Oh, I see," he still repeated it.

He repeats things he wants. Things he sees. Stories from earlier in the day. Pretty much everything. And I suppose there is nothing really wrong with it except that it drives me absolutely crazy. Bonkers. "Poke a sharp stick in my eye" nutty.

So I'm been working with him on not repeating things. When he says something, I respond in whatever way I do and then when he says it again, I said, "I heard you and please don't repeat things." (Ok, sometimes I don't say please.)

He's actually understanding it. He says things like, "I'm not suppose to repeat things."

Then at dinner tonight he said:

"I'm not suppose to say things twice."

"I'm not suppose to say things twice."


Wednesday, February 27, 2008


After our morning visit, we played outside together. I actually edited an article for work while the kids played, but it worked out well. Then we had lunch outside. After we were sufficiently muddy and covered in food, everyone, including Ted, got a bath.

6 to 1

Monika and her girls Sammie and Charlie came over this morning. Parker was outnumbered, but held his own. He seemed to really like Monika today.

And yes, we have 3/4's of Sex in the City. I thought about changing Eli's name to Carrie, but I just couldn't see her in those Jimmy Choo's. :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A last hurrah.

Well, Liz sold her house and is moving to Arizona in a couple weeks. So we all met at the park today. As always, everyone had fun. Man, is Parker gonna miss Sam!

Baby Likes Bob Marley

Keep watching...even when it gets boring.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Self Portraits

A train runs across this track.

We moved the train table down to the dining room (ie the trampoline room). Parker had all but stopped playing with it, but this change and a nice track made all the difference in the world. The girls like it too and we seem (knock on wood) to have taught them not to climb on it.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Counter Surfing

Did you notice the baby wearing the goggles?
And Parker's Super P shirt?
And yeah, they are reading the blog.