To say Parker was excited about his 5th birthday would be a massive understatement. It was truly the first birthday that he really 'got it'. He always understood the changing of the ages, but didn't get the birthday boy stuff, the presents, and all the excitement. Now he does.
We let him open some presents on Sunday since we were having his party that day. He got some card games and erector set from Grammy, a scale from Grandma Judy, and a great geometric coloring book from Uncle David. He also got these small kapla like blocks from Ebba.

All day long he kept asking when his Party would be and how long he had to wait. When we finally went (the party was in the late afternoon at a bouncy house place), he was just over the top excited. When each friend arrived, he got truly giddy and ran around and around.
First they had to watch a safety video and then they got to jump around for 80 minutes. Man, did they have fun. A bunch of kids didn't show up which was a bummer, but Parker didn't seem to notice or mind and loved playing with all his friends that did come.

After the jumping, they had pizza and cake. I lied to the party place telling them that he was allergic to gluten so couldn't eat pizza. Parker loved his sandwich and apple dinner. And they all loved the cake. White cake with whip cream topping. Parker wanted rain on his cake, but settled for a rainbow.

After the party, Parker opened his presents from his friends including magnetic darts. Then they all crashed and slept well.
This morning, while I was at the gym, he opened presents from us and the girls (that I picked and bought.) Legos (real ones without any rare!), the game othello that I think he will love even though it says 8 years and older, write on puzzles, and an owl puzzle. I also did an album (two really) of his five years. From birth to a couple days ago. (It was actually quite a trip down memory lane putting it together.)

At school today, they sang to him and ate cupcakes.

After dinner, he opened the last remaining presents that included one from Amy that Parker liked the best. It was a create your own calendar in multiple steps and Parker pretty much went ape shit over it.
Parker had a great two days and didn't even mind the 5 minute time out he got today for hitting Elizabeth. Today he said, "Only 365 more days until I turn 6."
Happy Birthday Parker.