I've just arrived in Germany after about 16 hours of travel, including waiting time. The 10 hour flight was uneventful, and finding my way to the right train south from the airport was also pretty smooth. I had a slight mis-step when I gave the taxi driver the name of my hotel, and he took me to some fleabag, which is when I realized that there are two hotels of that name - the nice one and the other one. It only cost me 8 euros to correct my mistake, which is about 12 bucks.
I did have one slightly tense moment. While I was on the train south, I was standing in the open part near the door, since all the seats were taken, and there was some luggage and what looked like an exceptionally compact baby stroller. I was marveling at German efficiency, when a little girl walked up and plopped her baby doll into it and covered it with a blanket. She was about 5, and her little brother of about 4 came tromping up behind her. She was trying to maneuver her stroller, but it was blocked by some baggage. Ever the helpful daddy type, I tried to move the luggage, but it was filled with bricks, so instead I tried to steer the stroller around it. Which is when I broke off the canopy. Luckily, she was not easily shaken by this clumsy auslander, and I spent the next 2 minutes working to get it back on while she calmly watched. Her little brother came and helped me a bit, and soon it was ship shape. The little girl moved the stroller toward the door, and then looked back at me and said, "Danke." I was very pleased.
Eventually, I got to the hotel, where my room was ready and waiting. It's an extremely tiny room by American standards, but charming nonetheless. And you've got to love a hotel that has this waiting for you on arrival:

Tomorrow I'm going to do my best to take a hike in the Black Forest, and then tomorrow night I have dinner with my clients, and it's work from then on. Should be interesting.