Michael has been on vacation since December 23rd. The word vacation doesn't mean a whole lot when you have a 2 year old and twin infants. For this reason, we decided to try to give each other some kid-free time during this holiday time. I saw a movie, hung out with friends, went to a dog training class. Michael did some sleeping, saw a movie, and hid in the back eating ice cream. We also wanted to let him actually sleep through a whole night. Even though I am generally the one taking care of the gals in the middle of the night (since I am the food source), Michael does get up often with me to help with changing. And he is the regular one to deal with Parker when he wakes up. So 4 nights ago, I said, "Ok, go to the back house. Take your cell phone. Wish me luck." I told him I would only call if it got really ugly. But since the gals had been sleeping from 7-3 regularly, how bad could it get?
Well...that night they woke up every hour and a half. And they weren't in sync (sometimes they wake up together and sometimes they don't). So from 10:46 when Parker did his first call out "MOMMY" to 6:00 when he was up for good, I was awake and feeding Elizabeth and Miranda 6 times. It was awful. Just awful. But I never called Michael...until the morning, when Parker had a tantrum and my sleep deprived body still attached to the gals couldn't cope. In tears, I called his cell phone and he came into the house. I finished feeding them and then passed out.
We speculated it was caffeine (I had had a decaf coffee and coke that day) that made them crazy. But then we realized they just weren't awake, they were EATING and awake...all the time. Ahhhh. Growth Spurt. That day, I looked it up and sure enough at 3 months it is common to have a growth spurt that results in fussiness and frequent feedings, especially if breastfed. It last 2-3 days, but sometimes a week.On day 4, we think it is over. Elizabeth slept 8 hours in a row last night and Miranda only woke up one extra time. And they have been delightful and eating their normal amounts.
In fact, everyone was delightful today. I did a spa with Sheehan and Rachel (another Rachel married to a Michael with twins) and Michael had the kids to himself. Super dad had no worries and when I got home, everyone was in good spirits and playing well. As this picture can attest. I sure ain't looking forward to the next growth spurt. Maybe we'll send the kids to Grammy's that week.

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