Sunday, March 07, 2010

Introducing Ernest

For reasons having to do with various applications of alphabetization, Parker has decided that he needs to have a name starting with the letter E. In discussing his options yesterday, he was drawn to Ernest, and avoided all subsequent attempts to sell him on Elliot, Elroy, or Ebeneezer. So Ernest it is.

This morning he and Elizabeth were playing together, and it was only a matter of time before the game turned alphabetical, and shortly thereafter Elizabeth needed a new name, too. I don't understand the logic, but she needed an M name, and we landed pretty quickly on Maxine. She actually requested Max, and Parker said that was a boy's name, but I corrected him, and there we were.

Now that they have new names, we needed to update the bathroom chart showing who gets to stand on the white stool during teeth-brushing on which nights (don't ask), and, of course, Ernest was just the man for the job.

On the bottom of the chart he helpfully included the four necessary steps for creating this very chart, which will probably be necessary in a few days when they all have new names again.


Unknown said...

Just so he isn't Jack in the country. Grandma Judy

Rachel said...

Miranda wants to be called Santa Claus.

Rachel said...

Even Michael had to look that one up, Mom.