Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Swim Class

Before we moved to Piedmont where we would have access to pool daily, I signed up the kids for a couple weeks of swim classes at local park.

They started yesterday and it was quite chaotic. Tons of kids and parents all looking lost and young swim coaches looking equally confused were everywhere. Parker was put in a group with kids who were just getting used to putting their heads in the water. When it was clear there would be no swimming in that group, I walked up to the teacher who was in the water and said, "he can swim. Just ask him to show you." He didn't bother verifying it and sent him over to the 5 feet side with the kids that could not have been younger than 8 years old and maybe as old as 10. Parker looked tiny with them, but it was obviously the right group of kids because he was still the best swimmer there. It was amusing when they asked him to tread water, something he never officially learned and had trouble. Breast stroke, sure. Keeping your head above water? Not so much. Guess we'll work on that.

The girls were in a class with other 4 year olds, but other 4 year olds are aren't like Miranda and Elizabeth in the water. But, they seemed happy in their little grouping and I didn't throw a shit fit like I should have.

I think I'm gonna cancel the other session I had them signed up for in August.

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