Saturday, November 05, 2011

Parent Teacher Conferences

The conferences with the kids' teachers went well. We didn't really learn too much that we didn't know. Elizabeth is exuberant and interested. Miranda is sensitive and self aware. Parker...well...he likes math.

We asked about Parker's social skills and she said he was doing great and was impressed how easily and quickly he settled into a new school with new teacher and new friends. She said he has some trouble during free choice time not knowing what to do. He usually asked her for more math work during that time since he didn't want to play with legos or magnatiles.

Apparently neither Miranda or Elizabeth can count. They can't count numbers higher than 10, they can't identify numbers written in the teens. They can't sort. They can't do much mathematically. Which totally cracks us up. As we walked back to our car we realized we sort of failed them because we never had to do any math stuff with Parker (like reading number books or asking him to count outloud) so we never learned to do it and didn't do it with the girls. And we should have because they are, as the teacher said when I asked what was typical for this age, "A bit low on that." I guess we'll start counting now... 1, 2, 3...

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