Friday, January 13, 2012

Here we go...

I went to this Piedmont fundraising meeting last night. And when I say fundraising meeting, I mean black tie cocktail party. I "dressed up" by brushing my hair, applying lipstick and putting on pants so when I showed up and everyone was wearing little black dresses and high heels drinking from champagne glasses in a kitchen that was the size of our entire bottom floor, I was a bit concerned.

Luckily, most of these women were on the steering committee (ie the hosts) and the event that we are putting on has a Gatspy theme so they were going with it. When other started to arrive (after the 7pm start time which was when I arrived...damn my punctuality), they looked a bit more like me. Not like me, but I didn't stick out as much. At least I had blonde hair which appeared to be a prerequisite.

We all schmoozed for a while until they called the meeting to order where nothing much was said. I mostly stood by myself in a room of about 35 women all chatting like chickens, but a couple others wearing less than glamorous outfits did come over to talk with me.

I was impressed with the organization of the party, the snacks they had and the handouts (that they had them not what was on them), but the entire meeting was unnecessary. I smiled and nodded and kept my mouth shut when other women asked questions about topics that were just answered.

The whole thing was just an excuse to drink and be fancy...two of my favorite things. I guess we are not in Kansas anymore.

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