Monday, April 16, 2012


When I was having trouble with Miranda, I met with my friend Maria who is a family therapist who also has twins plus one. We talked about a bunch of things, but at one point she asked if I was a "functional snob." This was after we discussed my intellectual snob family and husband. I thought it was a fitting description and it's sort of stuck. Michael brings it up from time to time when I start to complain about some person who can't do x, y or z. He reminds me of my functional snob tendencies. It's usually not a positive observation.

Then, the other day, we were talking about the kids and how they can do so many things on their own.* We chalked most of it up to genetics and just who the kids are, but Michael actually gave me some credit saying, "If you weren't such a functional snob, the kids probably wouldn't be so able to do so many things so well."

*Last night Michael and I were "done". I had a long week with the kids at home for spring break and Michael was just tired. So...after an annoying dinner, I announced they would be on their own for bedtime. They needed to just get it going and we went to hide in the TV room. And you know what? They did. Jammies, teeth brushing, Parker read to the girls and then in bed. (Michael did kiss them good night.) Elizabeth even cleaned up her room.

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