Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Chess Camp

Parker is in chess camp this week. His last camp of the summer.  I was shocked at how many kids there were at the camp.  It was like they took Parker, made him a little bit dorkier and cloned him over and over and over.  It seemed like a good mix of K, first and second graders as well as older kids...even some high school kids.  Parker was first put in the beginner class due to his age and non ranking but then they played some chess with him and he was moved up to intermediate.  There was an advanced and masters class too.  Boy, were those master class kids dorky. I bet none of them were on a swim team.  But I digress...

He seems to be really liking it and is learning a bunch too.  Which is good because Michael can't really teach him anything anymore.  Before camp, the kids all just hang outside playing chess, connect four and other goobery games that I'm sure we'll see a lot of in our future.  There are a few girls in the camp too so they provide hula hoops for them. Parker is pretty happy about that since he can now do it.

 Parker watching the masters.

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