Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Me and Miranda

Miranda was having a super hard time with homework the first week or two of school that they had it (which was the third or fourth week of school).  She would melt down, say she didn't understand it before she even looked at it and generally freak out adding much time and energy to the nightly routine. It was exhausting for all.

The last week or so, though, there has been much improvement. She gets through it generally on her own or with a little coaxing to stay focused or struggles a bit, gets frustrated and then recovers.  Last night she forgot her homework folder at school so she had to do two night's of homework this evening. She did some of it while Elizabeth was at gymnastics and the rest at home. At both locations, she started to get frustrated, but never really lost it and completed it all with a smile on her face.  Later in the evening, I told her how proud I was that she was able to get through the homework even though it was hard and she was frustrated. I told her I was happy to see how she was able to control her emotions to stay on task. I also told her that she needed to remember she was a smart, capable girl because sometimes it seems like she forgets that.

Then I added, "When I was younger, my brother and sister were smarter than I was and sometimes it was hard for me.  I felt dumb a lot even though I wasn't. I just wasn't as smart as they were."    She replied, shyly, "Sometimes I feel like that too, Mom."  Then we hugged and went back to playing with the foster kitty.

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