Saturday, December 21, 2013

What happens when you turn 9.

I've always prided myself on the fact that Parker didn't seem require the parental controls on the computer that all my friends proactively put on theirs. Time limits, blocked sites, etc.  He's had access to a computer since he was about 4 and hasn't really had a problem either in playing too much or going to places he shouldn't.  Also, he isn't really into what other boys his age are (bad words, fart jokes, talking about girls) so I didn't think he cared about some of that stuff on the computer either.  (One time I caught him googling Mine craft bathrooms and thought, Here we go....someone is going to post a picture of something disgusting that I'm going to need to explain, but sure enough it was just a bathroom designed like a min ecraft world.)

So the other day when I went down to tell him and our neighbor kids to shut down the mine craft and come up for dinner, I was surprised that I saw the word, "FUCKKKKKKKKK" on the memo line.  I guess in mine craft, you can write messages to other players.  The neighbor kid appeared to be trying to hide it, but Parker seemed more interested in stopping him from teleporting (whatever that means).  I immediately thought this neighbor kid was a bad influence and my innocent Parker wouldn't have any part in that.

So I discussed with Michael and then we asked Parker about it. He said that he was trying to stop him from teleporting, but yes, they were using swear words. "Both of you???"  "Yes," he said.  "Why?" we asked.  Parker said, "Because it was funny."

So...we tell him that was not ok and he shouldn't be writing swear words on the computer.  He said, "ok," as if I had asked him to put a jacket on.  Then we moved all the computers (still set up for multi player mine craft) into the dining room for better supervision.   Fuck.

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