Friday, April 04, 2014

Totally bummed

After almost 6 days of a significantly improved back, it all went away and I'm back to constant and serious pain. I was so excited and hopeful this past weekend but now I'm back to being hopeless and depressed. It sucks.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I am totally bummed for you, too. Injections like you received are rarely more then a temporary bandaid, some times it doesn't work at all and sometimes it sticks and helps for a long while. I treated plenty of back pain sufferers and have seen it many times. Honestly, your relief is about the average amount of help I have seen and it's just unfortunate for you chronic pain sufferers. Surgery is what western medicine will prescribe next. As an injury treatment specialist, I recall many treatment techniques that I could apply and homework's I'd recommend, preferably after I reviewed you MRI's and such.its hard to say if developing core strength will help much, though it should. I am so sorry for your pain. I wish I could help. Hang in there. Maybe think about other treatment methods like acupuncture or something?