Monday, June 16, 2014

Survivor Minecraft Camp

When we were looking at summer camps for the kids, there was a minecraft one. It looked great, but it was over $700 which is just crazy for any day camp.  But since Parker had his mind set on a minecraft camp, we told him we would create one for him. As soon as we said that, he basically created it himself with a Survivor theme.

The camp is this week, daily from 2-5 and the kids are quite happy.  They each have to create a challenge and then the others will run the challenges on the last day of camp. I don't understand enough about minecraft to explain the challenge, but essentially it requires building things, traps, levers, etc.  Each kid (there are 3 plus Parker) got a program explaining what needs to be in the challenge.  I hope it continues to go well.

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