Saturday, November 25, 2006

This year's giant hoho cake

This is the cake that Rachel mentioned a few posts back that I make for her every year for her birthday. It's a flourless cake made with just eggs, chocolate, vanilla, cream, and sugar. It is quite delicious.

You separate the yolks from the whites, and you basically mix the yolks, the sugar, and the chocolate into a thick batter, and then you whip the egg whites into a froth and fold them in. The result is a very airy batter that you cook on a cookie-sheet lined with buttered wax-paper. When it's cooled, you line it with whipped cream and roll it up.

The sheet of cake is extremely delicate, and can be very tricky to roll in one piece. My technique is to roll the waxpaper backward onto a rolling pin while tapping the cake-side with a spatula. You probably have to see it.

If you're very lucky, the worst you get is this:

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