Sunday, April 11, 2010


The kids have been wanting to plant a garden for a while now, ever since they read the Frog and Toad story in which Toad decides to plant a garden, and tries all sorts of things to get his seeds to grow. Rachel was doing her 66 mile bike ride yesterday, and she had picked up some seeds from the store, so it seemed like the perfect way to spend the day.

The first thing we needed to do was create signs so we'd know where all of the vegetables were planted. I knew that they'd each want to be watering their own part of the garden, so this seemed like a good approach. We made the signs with paper, cardboard, crayons, and chopsticks cut in half. Parker was very pleased with his renderings of the pumpkin and the squash.

I'd prepped the ground a bit, but they all got some good turns with the hoe, breaking up the dirt, and then they got to put their signs up at the ends of the rows we'd prepared.

Miranda was highly interested in the various bugs which turned up.

After that they very carefully spread some fresh soil on top of the garden

Then it was time to plant the seeds.

Everyone was very happy with how the garden turned out

In the Frog and Toad story, Toad tried to coax his seeds into growing by singing them songs and reading them books, so of course that's the first thing the kids did when the garden was done. I'm sure the seeds will come up any day.

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