Monday, January 23, 2012

Music Appreciation

Parker went to the symphony the other day with school. I had the chance to drive on that fieldtrip but thought that taking a bunch of 7 year olds to the symphony would be horrible. Boy, was I wrong. Parker came back entranced. It was a program specifically for elementary kids and had some popular tunes like the Can Can, Carmen, something from west side story and a few others. He really liked it and asked to have the "songs" put on his ipod. We found one for him about a musical clock by Kodaly and he listens to it all the time now. He hangs out in his room with his headphones on listening to classical music. Oh boy.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I think that classical music can be referred to as songs, rather than "songs". I think that's true of Jazz as well, although one might argue it's not true for hip hop.

Also, I suspect that Parker is sneaking in game time while he's listening to classical music. Bless his heart.