Friday, April 30, 2010

Meet Rainbow

The kids have been wanting to foster a kitten again, but since I'm just not up for the 3 hour wake up calls, I thought another pet might be a better idea. A smaller one, that can feed itself, doesn't crap all over the house, and that can be left alone for long periods of time. It was between a rabbit and hamster, but I didn't think I could give a rabbit the space or attention it would require.

I was just going to head to the local pet store, when I remembered my core beliefs and checked out the hamster supply at the local shelters. None, but SF had some. I picked up the girls at school and drove over the bridge. They were pretty excited about the whole thing even though they thought they were getting a kitten. There was only one hamster available and since I didn't really know much about hamsters or even care if I did, we took it.

The whole adoption process was pretty hilarious. Accordian to the paperwork, I adopted a boy that was grey. But according to the actual hamster, it's sex was unknown and it was orange and white. Ah well.

After a long discussion about names and the gender issue of the hamster, the girls named it Rainbow. I was happy with that since I figured Dora would have been the #1 choice.

Back at home the kids were still pretty excited. As was Zeke. He didn't notice him for a while, but after he did, he pretty much tortured the poor thing for a couple hours. Or maybe the hamster was torturing him. Since Rainbow decided to run a marathon that started about 9pm, we moved it into the pantry to keep the noise level down and to keep Zeke away from it.

So far, Rainbow is pretty cute. He likes to move his food and bedding into the habitrail tubes we got him. He also like to hang out in there. I'm not sure if he is scared or just trying to get comfy.

I'm just crossing my fingers he doesn't croak tomorrow.


Kika said...

Are you sure they didn't slip you a rat in place of your hamster? :)

Rachel said...

Yup. It's a small, thin hamster though. Or it was. It's eaten twice it's weight in the last day. Maybe it's a young one. Who knows.