Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A good day, followed by some screaming.

Took the kids to gymnastics camp this morning. Then headed to gym and did a bunch of laps again (26 to be specific). Then stopped at Trader Joes. Then picked up the kids. Met Ebba and family at the park and stayed there for 3 hours. The kids were all playing so well, we just couldn't leave. Pushing each other on the swings, playing hide and seek, playing tag with each other, and being generally cute.

Came home and the kids continued to play well while I straightened up. Made dinner and that was when the screaming started. Elizabeth (who still isn't quite ready to give up her nap) started demanding that I draw her a rainbow (all the kids were doing rainbows happily). I helped her, but when she said "she was tired of drawing and I needed to finish it", I refused. She didn't like that so much. She screamed pretty much until Michael came home when she tried to get him to finish it. Dinner was smooth, but when it came time for getting ready for bed, she lost it again. She did her screaming thing, jumping up and down, making wild animal sounds and generally being ridiculous. Michael put her in bed like that and went to read books with Miranda. I stayed with Elizabeth to calm her down and get her to sleep which took a whole 4 minutes. Poor girl.

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