Tuesday, August 09, 2011


A few days ago we had corn for dinner. Miranda helped me take the husks off. She found a little caterpillar or what she called an inch worm (since it moved like one). Miranda loves bugs (unless they are spiders which she is deathly afraid of). So she took to it immediately and put it in a container. We gave it some more corn and husks and dirt to live in and he was a very happy bug for about...well...10 minutes. At that time, Miranda gave a earth shattering scream to let us know "Inchy" was missing! I couldn't imagine he crawled out of the big container he was in, so I looked in it and under things and sure enough he was gone. Miranda looked all over the floor but to her dismay, he was no where to be found. She was traumatized for about...well...10 minutes when she completely forgot about him.

Fast forward until today when Miranda is on the couch in the den moaning and crying about how sick she is. Which she is. I sit with her for a few minutes, then go away, wait for more crying, go sit with her again, go away. Etc. After I went away, I hear, "Mama, mama! Come quick!" I think she has barfed again so I run in and there she is sitting up looking at something and exclaims, "It's INCHY! He's alive!"

Sure enough, there is the bug...hanging out on a blanket inching along. Crazy.

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