Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Elizabeth Ann Long and Miranda Alison Long

6lbs 7oz & 7lbs 2oz, born at 6:35am & 6:37, respectively. 20 fingers and 20 toes. Beautiful. Mother and girls are all doing well.

We'd been planning to have a 9:30am c-section, but the girls were determined to make a grand entrance, so Rachel's water broke at 4am, and we were off to the hospital then. In the labor & delivery triage there was some debate over whether we should just sit tight and keep our 9:30am appointment. However, when Rachel went from 4cm to 10cm in about half an hour, we were off to the races.

I suited up and met them in the operating room, and kept Rachel company while they did their mysterious business on the other side of the curtain. A nurse asked me if I wanted to watch the operation, and I couldn't tell whether she was kidding.

There were no hitches, and soon enough we heard a little yelp, and then another, and suddenly our family was complete.

1 comment:

Shayna said...

Yeah, pretty darn cute additions to the Parker kid club...even if the noisy one (was that Miranda? I already can't remember, and that's with names on their hats) doesn't care for me much yet.
If anyone hasn't seen them yet and can't tell from the pictures, RL is looking pretty good herself.