Sunday, October 25, 2009

Good news for the future.

And speaking of Parker, I heard some good news that will hopefully benefit him next year. Aidan, his buddy who was able to read at about 3, and who goes to the public school Parker will attend, was moved to 1st grade for Math and Reading. His teacher realized he would not be challenged in Kindergarten in those disciplines so he goes to 1st grade for a couple hours each day. I'm not sure 1st grade will be sufficiently challenging either, but apparently that was the most he would be able to skip for now.

In any case, I was very encouraged by that news as I can't imagine what Parker will do when they are learning their numbers. Teach them which ones are prime?


Unknown said...

I was thinking of you and Parker yesterday. we are working on the numbers 11-19 (flashcards) w sam and she has such a hard time remembering 11, 12, 13 & 15. It was driving me nuts..and I wishing I had a math genius like Parker. I have the patience of an ant when it comes to this...

Rachel said...

Believe you me, this is not something one wishes for.