Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Elizabeth is still really enjoying her gymnastics class at UC Village. It's a hellish drive but very worth it to see her enjoying gymnastics again.  Yesterday they were learning the beginnings of a front handspring. There were three stations. One where you stood on a mat, did a small jump then a handstand and land flat on your back. The second where you ran, jumped with your hands upside down on a cushy mat and then landed on your back. The third was one where you stand on a hard mat, hop to a cartwheel type handstand and then the coach flips you over so you land on your feet on the floor. The kids were suppose to alternate between the stations but Elizabeth just stayed at the last one with the coach. She did it over and over, running back each time to try again.  The coach told her to do it faster and each time helped her less and less. After only about 15 minutes she was doing it on her own.  She was super happy and it was fun to watch.

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