Sunday, March 03, 2013

Pod children?

There have been some strange happenings over here Chez Long.  It all started when Parker decided that the best way for me to say "yes" to letting him play wii in the morning was if he got everything else done.  Everything else means eat breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed, practice piano, finish any homework, get backpack ready and locate a jacket.  Then I give them their lunches and they are good to go.  So this one morning, Parker comes into my room at 7am saying he is ready and done everything.  I told him great, I'll go make his lunch. He says, I made it. Huh?  Really? Can I see. So he brings it to me and sure enough it has a sandwich, fruit, crackers and granola bar.  All in tupperware containers.  I was impressive.  So then he asks, "Can I play wii?"  How could I say no?

So I go downstairs and I see that Elizabeth and Miranda have also made their lunches. I inspect them and they are both good. One protein, one fruit, one crunchy thing and an other (another fruit or snack or granola bar).

And all week, they kept doing it.  On day 3, Elizabeth even emptied the dishwasher for me without me even asking. There she was standing on a chair trying to reach the place where the adult plates go.

And then on Friday, Elizabeth and Miranda made their beds as seen below.  Now, I can take credit for having them know how to make their lunches as I have involved them from time to time in this task and they have been picking their lunch items for about 2 months now.  And I've taught Elizabeth how to unload the dishwasher  so I get that.  But I've never, ever taught them how to make their beds. I never make mine. I think it's silly. It just gets messed up again.

Anyway, it was a interesting week.  If it continues, I'll need to get a paying job.

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