Monday, July 29, 2013

Long Family Road Trip 2013: Day 9

The day started out with the kids trying to climb a tree. They were determined to use the excess rope from the hammock to build a swing.  But the tree was so high, they had to throw the rope up to the top.  Then they helped each other climb the tree. Only Elizabeth was successful and it scared the shit out of us.  But they did build their swing. Our cameras were out of batteries when it happened so no pictures. Parker also got the idea he wanted to make a raft.  Everyone helped out for a bit, but the girls got tired of it.  It took Parker most of the day to pull it together but he was ultimately successful the next day.

Then I took the kids kayaking on the lake.  They wouldn't let the kids go together so I would ride one around and then come back and switch kids.  Probably the only exercise I got the whole trip. Which was fine by me.

After lying around for the afternoon, I took the girls out driving. I didn't have anywhere particular in mind, but when we ended up finding some snow by the side of the road, they were thrilled and we had to check it out.  They played on the snow for a good long time and then we drove on some more only then realizing the snow was everywhere. Keep in mind it was 90 degrees.  We also found a lake (Helen's lake) which was ice cold but so idilic that I knew we had to come back the next day with the boys.  I had never seen a lake so blue and clear.

This water was just run off from the snow just up the hill. It was flooded this day but gone the next.

We had ribs for dinner that night and they were fantastic.  I ate way more than I should have.

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