Saturday, February 19, 2011

LA Visit

I'm in LA for a few days for no particular reason except I like to get the cousins together every few months since they all seem to have such a good time ensemble. We drove down Thursday (yes, Parker missed school Thursday and Friday, heavens forbid) and it was a good drive. We stopped twice, one for a pee break and once for me to have lunch and get gas. I always seem to remember to pack snacks and lunch for them, but not for me. (Maybe it is intentional.) They watched videos (dora and diego) the whole ride down which was nice since it left me able to listen to the radio talk shows I like. That combo made it seem like a fast trip (which I guess it was since we left at 9 and got there at 3ish).

All the kids sleep together in one room which is both cute and annoying since when one wakes up at 5am, they all do, which happened on Friday morning. We hung out with the grandmas on Friday, meeting Grammy and Ginny at the park in the morning and then seeing my mom in the afternoon. Elizabeth took a ridiculously long nap at my mom's house so by the time we headed back to Amy's house, it was commute time and raining. And that combo led to a very long drive there.

This morning, the kids slept a big longer which was pleasant until someone poured Joes O's all over the floor. I got up to deal with that and did my long run (9 miles this week) and then we all went to a friend of Oliver's house for pancakes. The kids (all 7 of them) played together well and after a couple hours we headed home. The rest of the day was spent hanging around the house. I did take Miranda to have her nails done, something I had been promising for weeks. She has long, lovely nails, something Elizabeth and Parker lack, so I just took her. And of course, I had mine done too.

Bedtime tonight was crazy cute with all my kids hanging on and hugging Peter and then Peter combing their hair. Everyone was sweet until Julia and Miranda both freaked out about their lack of bed buddies. Much screaming by me and Amy and crying by Julia and Miranda ensued, but rather quickly we got them settled again and asleep much quicker than I thought.

We're gonna have lunch at Grandma Judy's tomorrow (I was gonna see some high school friends, but all but one had to cancel and then today he did too) and then head home Monday.

No pics this time as I dropped Michael's camera in our driveway and didn't notice for two days. Two days where it rained almost non-stop. Bummer.

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