Thursday, June 27, 2013

"down" week

We were going to go camping with Ebba this week, but it was raining heavily on the first day so we canceled it.  I was worried about an unplanned, unstructured week, but it all turned out ok.

On Monday, we went roller skating after swim team and swim lessons.

On Tuesday, we went ice skating after swim team and swim lessons.

On Wednesday, we went to the Alameda County Fair after swim team and swim lessons.

Today, I volunteered and then we hung out at the pool.

Tomorrow (Friday), we take Zeke to the vet, get some presents for a bday party, do some shopping and pack for our road trip on Sunday.

Saturday is Parker's 8.5 year bday party at the Antioch Water Park with four friends.

The best thing is that there hasn't been very much tv or video games. A little bit but much more reading than screen time.  Amazing.

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