Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bday Party Fun

Parker's Bday party was a success all around.  First we took the kids to Beach School for some Survivor challenges. There was a running one where the kids had to flip over certain plates placed far apart at the same time. It's hard to explain and I was worried the kids wouldn't get it. But they did and had fun.

Then they did an endurance one where they had to just hang there.  Owen K and Parker were the final hold outs and Parker one.  

Then there was an obstacle course where they had to grab puzzle pieces in bags. Then they had to do the puzzle. Six of them.  Then they had to spell out a word.

The last one was a memory game.  Parker thought he would ace that won, but Jack ZN, his fiercest competition in most things, won.

I made simply cakes this year, but did 2 for the non chocolate lovers.

Then we had a magician come. He was OLD SCHOOL.  But the kids loved him and his crazy banter and showy tricks. When he actually pulled a rabbit out of a hat at the end, they freaked out.  He did it like a show/workshop and all the kids got to take home a bag of tricks. They were in heaven.

It was a sleepover so after the magic show they retired to the playroom where Michael had set up a bunch of minecraft stations.  They played for hours, woke up early and played for hours more.

It was a party full of Parker's favorite things and he loved it.

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