Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Rachel's Little Chess Tournament

Because we didn't have enough going on during the month of December, I thought it would be fun to plan a little chess tournament for the kids in Piedmont.  With the help of Parker's chess teacher and our Principal, it's happening this Saturday, December 14th. Yes, that's the same day as Parker's bday and his slumber party, but for all your chezlong readers, you know I always say, "We can fit in one more thing! Go big or go home."

I told Michael I would be happy if 20 kids signed up and thrilled if 30 did.  As of today, there are 47 kids registered.  It's almost as big as a regular Berkeley Chess School Tournament.  I'm pretty pleased with myself and hope the morning goes smoothly so I can focus my attention on the afternoon's bday activities.

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