Thursday, April 19, 2007

Some strollers we own.

We have many strollers. Here's a double umbrella stroller we got from our friends Rachel and Michael, who also have twins.

This is our double snap-n-go. The seats are in Rachel's car. This thing steers like a boat, and is about as heavy.

Here's a single jogging stroller.

And here's the single umbrella stroller we bought in Mexico for about $5. That was the trip where Rachel's morning sickness started.

Here's our sit-n-stand, which can hold one baby (or car seat) and one Parker (either sitting or standing). This is a well used stroller.

Here's the double front and back stroller, another from Rachel and Michael.

Here's the double jogging stroller that we took off of some couple's porch, which you could tell they were happy to see go. This stroller's key feature is that it doesn't fold. And has a torn up tire.

And here's the current workhorse, the double side-by-side.

Thank god we have a garage.

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