Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Big Calculator

As you know, I went to Utah this weekend to visit with my pal Kirsten. She used to work with me and moved back to her home in January. I had wanted to see where she lived, spend some time with her and her dogs (Pete and Maddie) and take a break from the kids for a couple days. While there, we walked, ate (too much), did some sight seeing, I got a massage, saw a movie, saw Les Miserables where she works, and most importantly, slept in to 9am. One day two with her, we went to Brookstone to get her a very hip alarm clock. It was $15 with purchase of something else so we looked aroudn the store to see what to buy. She saw nothing, but I saw this giant calculator. Perfect, I thought! Parker would love that.

So today when I got home, I played with the gals a bit and then we went to get Parker. At home, I got out the giant calculator. He DID love it. Immediately. He quickly learned how to turn it on, clear it back to zero and make all sorts of numbers. He did 17, 100, 99, 66 and many others on his own. He had a blast (as you see from the last picture.)

The thing that we wonder is...who the hell would buy this thing normally? Some financial guy with a really big desk? Some accountant with bad eyesight? Really, it is quite big.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He loves it! Yay! You knew he would.

Such a great visit; welcome back anytime. Perhaps you can check your luggage to see if my voice ended up in them?