Monday, July 11, 2011

Julia is here.

Amy, Eran and Julia arrived Saturday evening. The girls had been excited all week about her arrival and counted down the days. They were instantly shrieking and running around the house together. We all hung out Sunday at a park and the house and then today after I dropped Parker at camp, Amy and Eran went off for a three day mini kid-free vacation in the city.

The girls stayed home all day today which was fine with me since I was exhausted. They played well all day and kept switching off who was playing together. Julia is a nice mix of both girls, so she can do physical things with Elizabeth and imaginary, games about dogs with Miranda. She also likes to change clothes as many times as Elizabeth and is happy to wear matchy, matchy clothes with the girls.

We picked Parker up at 3 and then went off to gymnastics class where I was once again told about Parker's amazing abilities and how I had to get him into the advanced class. I, once again, said I just couldn't do it.

Julia got to take the class with Miranda and although she couldn't hold up in pull up for as long as Miranda, she could do cart wheels better than anyone in the class. She seemed happy.

Then home again for Kipper while I made dinner, pasta and sausage (Julia's Favorite!), strawberries for dessert, a little Wizard of Oz and books Julia brought and then bedtime. Julia sat on my lap during the books which was sweet. (My girls like Aunt Amy quite a lot, but it's hard to say whether Julia has any affection towards me.)

It was a good day.

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