Thursday, July 21, 2011

Our Trip

We leave on Saturday for a 10 day adventure.

We are first heading to Reno to see the Long Families again. We'll do a little swimming, a lot of eating, and very little sleeping.

Then we head out Sunday morning for Twin Fall Idaho, about 7 hours away. When we arrive, we'll set up camp (and when I say set up camp, I mean we'll use the key to unlock our KOA cabin) for two days. We're bringing bikes, books, bathing suits, scooters, and three kids with lots of energy. There is not only golf, a lake, playground, and pool at this campground, there is a river near by for actual nature.

On Tuesday we take off for a 4-5 hour drive to Yellowstone where we'll meet us with Michael's best friend Kevin and his extended family. We are actually staying in Island Park Idaho in some swanky cabin just outside of the park, but plan to spend each day seeing the sights, animals, trails, and rivers that are Yellowstone. Then on Sunday we'll head home again, doing the drive in 2 days this time, only stopping at a cheap motel when we need to.

It's a lot of driving in the car, but we'll be fully stocked with dvds, books, drawing supplies and food to get us there hopefully in one piece. With five bikes on the back of the minivan, that might be a lot to ask for.

I have no idea what the wifi situation will be or even if we are taking the computer, so if we don't blog, try to imagine us standing amongst the moose and bears and geysers.


Kika said...

I'm so jealous, sounds like a fun adventure!

Sara said...

Wow, that sounds totally amazing. You guys take really fun trips. Can I stow away?

Ebba said...

Have a great trip! Looking forward to seeing you when you get back.