Friday, February 15, 2013


Lately, Parker has been behaving is some annoying ways.  He has a bit of sass to him responding to questions or answers with 'Ah Man! Really???'  or even "No!" rather than his normal, "Ok."  He also wants to have playdates all the time. And sleep overs.  And he has to be playing some game pretty much at all times. If not a sport or tag, then a board game, video game, or other activity. It's constant until he crashes at night.  He is suppose to take a timer with him when he plays the video games so that he knows when 20 minutes (his allotment) is up.  He's forgotten tons of times and we have to go to the playroom and say, "ok, turn it off." So we warned him if he did it again, we would take away the Wii. So it happened, he played for about an hour one day claiming he didn't know because he didn't have his timer, so he lost the Wii for a week. His first real "grounding".  And then today, I drove on a fieldtrip. He was with four kids from his class, 2 girls and 2 boys.  They were so loud and annoying and obnoxious in the car. At one point, they were all signing "Parker and Audrey sitting in the tree. KISSING." So loud.  I got a massive headache and I was ready to yell.

But then I remembered what Michael recently reminded me of.  Just a few years back (when he was 4 and all he did all day was stand at the easel drawing numbers and figuring out exponents), I wished and wished he just had some friends, was just a regular kid who did regular little boy things like play tag and basketball.  So now, Michael says, I got my wish.  Just a regular, loud, obnoxious boy. Thank god.

1 comment:

Kika said...

I'm right there with you. The sass is the worst because it's so unexpected