Thursday, May 22, 2014

Bay Island Gymnastics Team Newest Member looks like Elizabeth is on a gymnastics team.  She will be in level 3 where 10 is the highest. I'm still conflicted about it, but I think it will ultimately be good for her.  She'll work out three days a week for 2 hours each day for about a month. Then when summer kicks in the workouts go to 3 hours a day. While it sounds completely cruel and unusual to work a 7 year old that much, it's really just normal for the gymnastics world.

When we went on Tuesday, they said she would need special work on the bars since she is behind. But today, another coach said, "she'll be fine and we won't start scheduling any special work yet. If she is struggling in a month or so, we can do it then. But I think she'll be fine."  The competition season is September through November. It's unclear if she will be ready by then, but that's the goal.

Elizabeth seems pretty dang happy (as happy as Elizabeth gets which is like a small, sly smile out of the corner of her mouth) about it all. Today after workout she said, I think I need to work out my cartwheels. She really wants me to land in a lunge.

Now, I have to tell Matt, her current teacher. This will be the second time we are leaving him to join a competitive program. I know he'll understand, but its bitter sweet nonetheless.

Not sure how I am going to manage all the driving to classes and such after school, but I'm confident I'll figure it out. I always do.

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