Friday, October 27, 2006

And I thought I had it rough...

Pretty much every time I go anywhere, I am stopped by well wishers who want to oogle at the gals. They ask the same questions: how old, are they identical, are they both boys, what are there names, etc. It has gotten pretty old already, but other twin moms tell me it lasts until they are out of the snap and go stroller. So I have about 5 months left politely answering these questions.

Today, when I was at Target, and some lady looked over at my cart (which was holding one baby...I was holding the other one in a bjorn), "I said Yup there are two," before she could say anything. And then she surprised me. She said, "I've got triplets. And a toddler."

We chatted for a bit about the challenges of shopping and where the best carts can be found and then went on separate ways.

I love running into triplet moms. It makes me feel so normal.

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