Friday, October 20, 2006

Five things about Parker

In no particular order:

  1. He spent about 20-30 minutes tonight doing this:

  2. He banged his head up pretty good today at the park with Farm. He was doing his favorite thing at that particular park - running across the suspension bridge - with fairly predictable results.

  3. He digs the zoo. We've always taken him to the zoo, but he never really saw or cared about the animals, until very recently. Today, for example, he told me all about the animals he saw on his trip to the zoo yesterday. (For the record, he saw elephants, giraffes, and zebras.) When I asked him whether monkeys lived at the zoo he gave me a quite intentional look of incredulity, which was pretty funny. I'm looking forward to standing him in front of the monkey house next time we go to the zoo and watching his lid just flip. A monkey says ooh ooh ah ah.

  4. The other night he decided it would be fun and funny to put a blanket over his head and walk around the house. And he was right. It cracked all of us up, except the girls, who were sleeping. He kept this up for about ten or fifteen minutes.

  5. He doesn't mind his sisters at all anymore. We're all one big happy family.

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