Thursday, October 05, 2006

Sweet Elizabeth

We know it is wrong. We know we shouldn't do it. But we can't resist. We call Elizabeth "Sweet Elizabeth". Not that Miranda isn't sweet. But Elizabeth is extra sweet. She rarely cries and when she does, you can really sense her pain. If she is hungry, she'll wait patiently until Miranda is done without so much of a yelp. Sure, she'll squirm and grunt, but crying just doesn't happen. Miranda needs to be picked up a lot, but Elizbeth is content to lie in her bassinet or on her play mat and stare at whatever is in her eyesight.

She loves to eat, but has trouble with breast feeding still. She can't latch on as well as Miranda, who appears to be able to find the food source blind-folded with both hands tied behind her back. And when Elizabeth does get a good latch, she gets so tired out that she falls asleep after mere minutes.

The following picture is Elizabeth after a good meal. Could she be any more sweet?

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