Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lemon snack

Miranda and Parker and I played in the front yard this afternoon, where Miranda discovered that the lemons are actually food. It had never occurred to me to point this out to her, but she was very interested, and so we went inside for a proper tasting.

She was quite the happy, lemon-sucking toddler.

Her reaction was fairly predictable, of course.

Still, she kept on eating them. With the same results.

Parker, on the other hand, ate bite after bite, and wasn't fazed in the slightest.

When Miranda's appetite for lemons had been satisfied, she shared what was left with her dolly.

Naturally, Lion got some, too.

When Elizabeth came home from a trip to the park with Mommy, she wanted in on the lemon action.

However, her interest was short-lived.

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