Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Disgusting Food

Michael and I had a date night on Saturday. We went to Red Lobster. In Vallejo. Seriously. I had been wanting to go there for years. I knew it would be disgusting, but I still had to go. We got there at 5:15 expecting a quick dinner before a 7pm movie. But no. There was a line. At 5:15. At Red Lobster. In Vallejo. What the fuck? Anyway, we waited and then ate and it was in fact, not nearly as disgusting as one would think. It was very buttery and salty and we probably consumed 8000 calories worth of shrimp and lobster and crab legs, but it was edible.

But, since there was a line we missed our movie and just went to the video store, making a quick stop at REI for a bike pump attachment (long story). In the line waiting to check out with more LOST and a movie for me, we were eyeing the candy. We were both debating what to get or not get and then I said I might get something. I told Michael to guess what it was. He said, "Please. So easy. Mike and Ikes" Considering there was a giant shelf full of tons of candy, I was impressed. Since there were 5 kinds of Mike and Ikes, I told him to guess what flavor. He quickly said, "Original". Which was right.

1 comment:

More of the Howe Girls said...

Thats funny Jon and I went to Red Lobster on Friday night at around 5:15(In Goodyear AZ) and the line was out the door but we didnt wait and went to sushi instead!