Saturday, March 27, 2010

Swimming Kids

Just when I began to think that Parker would be the only talented swimmer in the family, the girls surprised me.

We all went to the YMCA for open swim. The girls get to wear floaty vests and just love swimming around the pool on their own. They float on their backs, kick across the pool, jump in, and generally have a good time.

When we took the vests on (at their request), Elizabeth started jumping in, going underneath for a good 2-3 seconds and then popping up. At first it was scary to watch, but Michael was with her and her facial expression was so hilarious it cracked me up every time. She would puff out her cheeks while smiling and clenching her fists and then go under, popping up a few seconds later with a giant grin. After doing this over and over and over, I told her to swim to the wall after popping up. And she did. It was crazy.

Miranda, who was also happier with her vest off, preferred to swim from me to the wall. And on her own, she started putting her face in every time. She would go under, come back up and grab the wall. She kept telling me, "step back, mommy" so it could be more challenging for her. It was quite impressive.

The whole thing was very fun. Of course, meanwhile, Parker is swimming under our legs, doing back stroke across the entire pool and goofing off. We pretty much don't have to watch him anymore. That kid can swim.

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