Monday, March 29, 2010

The play is the thing...

The kids new favorite books are the Piggie and Elephant series. They are these very cute, very easy to read books about a pig and his friend Gerald the elephant. They do have some educational themes about being friends which are annoying, but in general, they are just plain fun and have some adult bits in them (piggie is pretty sarcastic and moody). The pig and elephant have these great expressions on their faces on most pages which the kids love. The best thing is that Parker can read them to the girls. Lately, he has been reading one of the characters and either me or Miranda have been reading the other character. I suggested we do a "play" of one of them since they were reading them so well. The "play" didn't turn out as good as the readings, but still somewhat cute if you can get through it all. No offense taken if you can not.

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