Friday, March 19, 2010

This morning

I'm not usually home in the morning when the kids get up. I generally get home about anywhere from 10-40 minutes after they wake up. But today (and yesterday for that matter) I slept in. I think the time change is making getting up at 4:30am a bit harder than normal.

So this morning as Michael and I try to stay warm and cozy and asleep in the bed, we hear giggling and laughing by all three for what seems like a long time. I kept waiting for the inevitable sound of someone getting hurt because something that sounded that fun could only be dangerous. But it never came and at 7am, they all came tromping downstairs to tell us it was time for breakfast.

When I asked them what they were laughing at, they said "ZEKE!" Apparently, Miranda and Zeke were rolling around together and this was hilarious.

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