Thursday, March 08, 2012

Two Parker Tidbits

The kids wanted Frozen Yogurt today. Michael and I have been trying to be better about spending money for random un-planned nonsense so I told them I didn't have any money. They suggested they use theirs (they each have a stash of coins that they either earned or found around the house). I told them to count their money (Parker helped) and then we determined they each had enough to buy some.

So we went to the frozen yogurt place. It's the kind that you serve yourself and put your own toppings on it. I'm always very conservative with amounts at these places despite the giants bowls you get to use. Today I noticed a sign that said $.39 per ounce. So I showed Parker the sign and told him that was gonna be how he could figure out how much yogurt he could afford. "For example," I said, "If you wanted to buy a pound of yogurt, you would need to multiply .39 by 16 right?" Yup, he confirmed. Then about 4 seconds later he said, "I guess I can't get that much since I don't have $6.24." Seriously.


I finally got Parker to watch a movie. Not an episode of something. Not a few minutes of a movie. But a whole movie from start to finish. With no snacks or bribes of any kind. I would consider this a major miracle except that the movie was "Searching for Bobby Fischer."

1 comment:

Sara said...

Oh god, I just laughed out loud at that last bit. Seriously.