Saturday, January 18, 2014

Chicken hearts

As I've mentioned many times here, my memory has pretty much gone to shit. I barely remember what happened yesterday let alone what happened in my childhood.  But some memories are strong. For example, I have a strong memory of my dad telling us about the chicken heart that ate new york. I don't remember much more about that except that we would sit around listening to "it" or him and then at some point, he (we?) made up the chicken part that ate new corks.  I had no idea what any of it was from and just assumed that my dad made it all up.

So today, I was listening to Tom Hanks being interviewed and he said that one of his early influences was Cosby doing the Chicken Heart that Ate New York.


This childhood memory was a Bill Cosby routine? Really?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When cars are going too slow in front of me I always yell, "Go, chicken heart!" The kids ask me what the hell that is, and I never have an answer.