Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Miranda's Breakfast

Miranda doesn't eat cereal. Which is a real pain in the ass when you are the lazy mom and don't help the kids with breakfast.  She would go without eating since eating is mostly a chore to her.  She'll have a bagel or waffle from time to time. She'll gladly eat pancakes and bacon if I was to make it everyday.

But most school days there is this time where she stands around whining, "what can I eat for breakfast today????"  Today she said, "can you make me something delicious while I get dressed?" Since I had no bacon and didn't have time to whip up some pancakes, I looked in the freezer and found a lean cuisine. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I heated it up, took it off it's plastic tray and she was so happy. She said, "This is quite a breakfast!"  Then she ate the whole thing which is almost unheard of, unless of course the breakfast was bacon or chocolate.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Bless her heart! I hated breakfast foods as a kid. Would've rather eaten just about any lunch or dinner food. I also would never turn down bacon or chocolate, even today.