Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stuff from today

Parker came home today to say he ran two laps of the track (800 m) in 3 minutes 16 seconds. I told him I didn't believe him since that would make it faster than a 7 minute mile.  He swore up and down he did and told me to ask his PE teacher.  So I emailed her and she said, "yup."

Elizabeth is getting very friendly with this 10 year old in her gymnastics class. They goof off together the whole class which is very sweet and I'm glad she is having a good time.  What she wears to gymnastics and how she does her hair is very important. Today she put on lip gloss.

Miranda paid 3 chips tonight to stay up late. After an evening full of homework and grumpiness, she was so very, very happy to hang with mom and dad for 30 minutes after the others went to bed.

Elizabeth wears a pull up to bed. Her doctor said not to worry or do anything about it until she was  8. She got into a sleepover camp for June for 2 nights and so we discussed trying to a plan to start working on it. Last night she wore underwear under her pull up with the thought that she would wake up when it got wet.  She didn't. She slept right through it. Just like she slept right through the alarm going off in her face when she accidentally set it the other day.  Hmmm...next idea?

Parker told us about his special math time today (on Tuesdays he works with a math specialist and one other 4th graders). He had to get one ounce of water into a cup with only two cups with the sizes 5 ounces and 9 ounces. He really liked that problem.

I went to three markets today. I walked to trader joes after walking the kids to school. Then I drove to Costco. Then, when I forgot the sour cream at both places, I walked to Safeway.

 Now that all three kids are playing minecraft, I decided we needed to get another computer. I told Michael I was going to get one and he got an old one (that minecraft works perfectly on) for free. Yay Michael.

Miranda's dinner comedy routines continue. For some reason,  whenever we set down for dinner, she decides its the perfect time to start acting like a clown.  The others thinks she is hilarious and they are generally right, but it makes dinner a little...no, a lot, annoying.

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